Friday, May 24, 2013

Running into the Unknown

I have a strong disliking for running.

Let me elaborate on this hatred.

I would prefer to sit with shorts and a tshirt in -20 degree weather than go running. I would prefer to get stung by a jellyfish than go running. I would rather lift 190 pound deadlifts than go running for five minutes. Moral of the story? Running SUCKS. Who wants to be panting and sweating and feel like they're on their final minutes of life?

Well....apparently a lot of people.

However, today was a day where I am going to comletely contradict every single word I said above. Today, I actually enjoyed running. A lot. (No this is not a typo)

Yesterday, when I was on my usual adventure of driving around pretending I know where I'm going when I'm really just wasting all of my gas, I drove too far down Baseline Drive and ended up near 55th Ave and passed a sign that said Bobolink Trailhead. Since I have this uncanny infatuation with hiking and new trails, I made a sharp turn into the parking lot and realized there is a 3.8 mile trail that goes to South Boulder Creek. From what I could see from the trailhead, it was like the trail went into the unknown, which of course, intrigued me. So I made a promise to myself that I would run that trail today, which I did (And I am damn proud if I do say so myself)

First, let me explain that today's weather forcast is 82 degrees and sunny. Not one cloud in the sky. And knowing this, what did I wear? Black yoga pants and a black tshirt. No, I'm not emo. I'm just stupid. So talk about sweat. Okay, we won't talk about it, but I did...a lot.

The trail, was alluring; angelic. Wetlands to my left, the Flatirons to my right, bridges, small fast-moving rapids, plethora of colors from the grass, flowers, and trees all around me. It's as if  I just never wanted to stop running. Every single person I passed on the path smiled at me or waved. There were women riding their bikes with their dogs running alongside. There were couples riding their bikes together. In a way, it was like experiencing a moving phototgraph. If I didn't stop a million times to take photographs, I honestly don't know if I would've ever stopped running (until I reached the end of the trail, that is). As a whole, I ran about 3.5 miles, which is quite peculiar since running here should be harder than back home in NJ because of the altitude, but at home, I could barely run 3 miles. I guess when you are distracted by views that are mesmerizing, the distance is just a number.

There are just days that completely put me in a state of awe. I drove down the street to find an art store and end up finding a trailhead that gives me the push to get up every morning and run. I think when surprises like that happen, it's the world throwing a curveball your way. Every day is a new surprise if you go out and allow yourself to find it. Happiness, to me, is a scavenger hunt. You know what you're looking for, but you're not going to get anywhere if you don't go and actually look for it. So when you have those days where you are bored and hate that you have nothing to do, you can only blame yourself. Go out. Drive. Anywhere. Just go and find a new surprise. Who knows? It could be right out your back door.

That being said...I challenge you. I challenge you to go out one day with no intentions, no plans, no work to do. Go to the mountains, a park, your driveway, I don't care. And just do something. Explore, bring a book, bring music. Go running, write, play music, enjoy the view. I highly doubt you'll be disappointed.

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