Sunday, September 14, 2014

30 Hours, 2 States, 1 Car, 0 Hospital Visits. Part 1

Who likes planned trips? But really. Who does? Who really enjoys making an itinerary? And if you read this and say, "I do," then close this tab because I don't like you and you're ruining the entire premise behind this blog post.

Now, for those that are still reading. (hey ma, hey dad), what makes a spontaneous trip that much better? I'll tell you what. The fact that nothing can go wrong. Whatever happens, happens. Nothing that occurs for the duration of that adventure was planned, so in theory, nothing can happen the way it should or shouldn't have happened. It gives you the opportunity to think on your feet.

For example, "Oh, we ran out of gas in the middle of the desert? Well, that's okay because we had no set plans. We will just hitchhike. Perfect. I'm so glad we didn't make a strict itinerary."

Now, I know what you're thinking. Who doesn't pick up gas before they go into the desert and who is that calm? Well, it's a good thing it's just an example. But you catch my drift.

Let's set the scene, shall we?

Wednesday Night: (Conversation between me and my friend Justin)

Me: Hey! What are you doing tonight through Friday! I don't work!
Justin: Hey! I have a job interview tomorrow at 9 :( But I'm free after!
Me: I was going to say lets go to Utah tonight but I understand! Lets plan to hike Mt. Lincoln (a 14er in CO for those who don't know) and do something else!
Justin: Perfect! I'm so down. Lets figure out all the details once you pick me up.

(Yes, there were that many exclamation marks were used. No exaggeration for the purpose of this post)

When I went to pick up Justin, the weather was dreadful. The overcast was pretty much saying, "Go home Emily. Go have some hot chocolate in that Snuggie that you never use and watch movies" But I proceeded to get him and when we met, we discussed the horrendous weather and decided to go to his apartment to figure out another plan of action. After 2 hours of discussing travel plans, listening to Florence and the Machine, and casually watching YouTube videos of Amy Winehouse performing "Valerie," we noticed that the weather was not supposed to clear up until a after the trip was going to be over. Which sucked. The only place that looked nice was southern Colorado and Utah. Both anywhere from 5-7 hours away. At this point it was already 11:30 on Thursday and I had to be home by Friday night around 9.

In comes conversation number 2. (in person)

Me: So, what's our plan now? Mt. Lincoln?
Justin: I don't know, the weather looks pretty bad.
Me: Yeah, Utah and Glenwood Springs look to have the best weather. But I thought we decided not to go to Utah?
Justin: I know haha, but should we just do it?
Me: Drive all the way to Utah to see the Arches!? In a day!?
Justin: Yeah....? Should we? Is that crazy?
Me: It is. But why not?
Justin: Lets shoot for trying to see Maroon Bells at sunset, maybe hike it in the morning and if it looks bad, we will just head to Utah?
Me: Lets just get in the car before we end up staying in Denver haha. Regardless, we have to go West. We will figure it out as we go, but for now, lets make Utah our ultimate destination.
Justin: Sounds good! I love that you're down for an adventure like this. We will be great friends.
Me: Me too! This is the beginning to a beautiful friendship.

Okay, so I don't really remember how that conversation ended, but we definitely said those words at some point during the trip. So it counts.

I remember exactly, my dashboard in my car said it was 12:12 (really 11:46am, my clock is REALLY fast),

Next thing you know, we are on Route 70 West.

Cue the adventure.

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