Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Years: A New Beginning or a Continuation of Reality

Every Girl:
"My New Years Resolution is that I'm going to go to the gym every single day and look like a model, and be tan, find a boyfriend, and most importantly be happy with myself."

Every Guy:
"This year, I want to gain a ton of muscle so that all the girls will come running after me. I also want to make hundreds of thousands of dollars. I also need to get my act together and figure out what I want in life and get a job that is right for me and stop all the partying and part-time jobs"


Let's be realistic here. Honestly (and I mean honestly) How many times do you make a New Year's resolution and it actually comes true? I'll be dead serious when I say NEVER. Why? Because who wants to make a to-do list for your life? Was what you had prior to this year just not acceptable in your opinion? Was the job you had or friends you made not enough to make your life feel complete? Because I don't know about you, but I met some amazing people this year and had the time of my life. I made life changing decisions that may have not been very effective at the time but now, I realize that my life could be completely different if it wasn't for that one day I couldn't make up my mind and decided to do something outside my comfort zone.

I love this holiday. I thoroughly enjoy the hundreds of Facebook statuses, tweets, and IG posts about how this year is going to be the best year yet. It's as if this year is when all of your dreams and aspirations are going to come true. But let me ask you this:

What have you been doing with the last 22 years of your life!? Just sitting on your ass watching the sun rise and set? NO you blubbering idiot! You've been living out your life's dreams...but slowly.

OH MY GOOD GRACIOUS, I HAVE!? How did I not know that? And I'll tell you why. It's because you don't have patience. I certainly don't and I'll happily admit it. But I know that your dreams don't get handed to you on a fucking silver platter. That you can't be lucky all the time. That is reality. I'm sorry if you didn't get that job you wanted or didn't lose those 10 horrific pounds that form that lovely bloated section around your midline we all like to call your "muffin top." But what about those incredible relationships you were once a part of or those family vacations where dad fell off a horse while pretending he was Prince Ali from Aladdin? People are so focused on the negative aspects on their life that they always forget the good.

And THAT is why I love this holiday so much. Every year, people use the new year as a way to fix the bad: Lose weight, make friends, make memories, travel more, eat better, love myself. Has anyone ever considered maybe, just maybe, that you should use the new year to commemorate the good that has occurred over the years? To acknowledge those time that once made you smile.

Stop degrading yourself and for once, just once, love what you have. Take 2014 to reflect on memories of  the previous years that made your dimples appear and ask yourself, "How can I enjoy what I already have but make it even better?"

Sure it's a new year, but there's nothing new about it. It's your old life with new memories. You can't make memories disappear, you can only add to them.

With Love,

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